I made a Mutoscope digital.
This was one of my first projects.
I accepted the job not knowing exactly how I would complete the task but knowing I could.
I got started first learing what a Raspberry Pi was. Starting to learn what linux and raspbian was.
I jumped into Python and the GPIO header and what I could control with some simple code.
I started with a program to read a hall effect sensor and blink an LED when triggered.
Next I integrated a simple counter to measure revs/min.
Then came the fun part….
Starting the video…
Starting the video was easy.
Stopping the video and an endless recursion of videos was not.
GPIO trigger using Hall effect Sensor on an Rpi
Mutoscope History
The Mutoscope Display is not an original.
It was made as a clone and fitted with a Raspberry Pi and screen to show a video highlighting history of flight.